Great game that really proves why Call of Duty is the best franchise out there!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has all the components of a great game. Whether it's the action packed campaign, the heart racing Spec Ops missions, or the addictive multiplayer, MW2 has it all. The campaign packs a great story by using a diverse number of different mission types. One mission your on a ship, and the next your fighting your way through snow covered mountains. Not only is the story captivating, it's also visually stunning and keeps you glued to your television waiting for more. Next MW2 introduces all new Special Ops missions, never before seen in the Call of Duty franchise. These short "mini-games" can be played solo or co-op, other than a few select missions where two people are required to play. Special Ops missions can be timed races against the clock , survival against waves of enemies, or stealthy missions to take down an area. The one extreme benefit of playing with two people is that if one person goes down, generally the other can revive them and keep the game going, opposed to single player where once you go down, it's over. Lastly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 brings the best multiplayer experience to date, keeping players interested in the game. The player vs. player fun never stops with this game due to the leveling up system known as Prestige Mode. Once you reach the level limit you can choose to lose everything and start over from the beginning, only this time you have a nice new emblem that lets everyone know you've payed your dues. The guns are amazing, along with everything else in the multiplayer mode. Cod:MW2 is a game that anybody who enjoys shooters needs to own in their collection.