A blockbuster video game that's immensely entertaining but lacking in any real depth

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Modern Warfare 2 is the sequel to the outrageously successful Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Developers Infinity Ward didn't want to be tied to the Call Of Duty name for the rest of eternity so they made the daring desicion to rid their next game of that title, hence the game only being called Modern Warfare 2. Now that's out of the way, onto the actual game itself. As you could have probably guessed, this is also a huge success commercially. But does the quality of the game match up to the number of copies sold? Well, yes and no. Yes because of the campaign, which takes everything that made Call Of Duty 4's campaign so great and expands upon it, as well as delivering more of the addictive multiplayer of said game. And no because, well, it's pretty unoriginal, as well as being linear and lacking in depth. These things should come as no surprise in any First Person Shooter, but in a time when we expect alot more of games other than just shooting enemies to progress, you can't help but be slightly disappointed. Sure, it delivers some incredible set pieces in its campaign such as the shocking airport scene, the thrilling rooftop chase and the incredibley tense final mission. And yes, it has an incredibly addictive multiplayer, which can keep you playing for hours. But to be honest it's not enough considering what was expected of this game. It all lacks depth and integrity, something that is oh so vital in making a classic video game now. If anything, it's the timing of Modern Warfare 2's release that hinders it. In 2008 we saw classics like Grand Theft Auto IV, which had umatched scale and ambition, games like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, with its complex and intricate plot and games like Fallout 3, which was acclaimed for its immersion and endless replay value, as well as its atmosphere. This onslaught of excellence continued through 2009 with the atmospheric Batman: Arkham Asylum and the bombastic Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. So consider this, for a moment; what does Modern Warfare 2 that makes it deserving of its sucess, when there are dozens of more deserving games out there? Long story short, it's the most accessably, instantly playable shooter out there. Plain and simple, it's the easiest game out there for casual and hardcore gamers to play for hours on end. This doesn't mean a thing when it comes down to it, at least not in terms of the actual quality of the game. It just means more money for Infinity Ward and ultimately Activision. Modern Warfare 2 is a good game, it has plenty of brilliant moments and because it's not incredibly difficult, it's easy to pick up and play. And because of that it's a good game. But because of it's wide appeal, it's been forced to drop the amount of depth and detail that would have only catered to die-hard fans of the genre. And that is Modern Warfare 2's irony. It's a good game hindered by its own greatness.