TV commercial made it look more exciting

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
How can you judge this game?! It is the most anticipated game of the year and probably in the gaming history. I wasn't a great COD4 fan and therefore had hard times playing people that as I mentioned in my blog "could claim to be actual war veterans" after spending so much time playing COD4 for 2 years. Some observations:

Weapons that I have seen so far are great but didn't observe too many changes from the previous installment. Keep in mind, I am an amateur at this and my opinion could be absolutely meaningless if you are a connoisseur of this game.

Maps on multiplayer are really cool, I like them more then those from COD4 but still there are some maps that are just hard to deal with like where you just take one step into open areas and instantly are exposed to everyone hiding out there and you get shot right away.

It is as realistic as it was before and not too many improvements have been done in that area, but is there really a room for that?! This game is fascinating with its realism. Blood and all the core feels pretty real but it still could have been improved in my opinion.

Still it is worth your money totally but not quite shocking and innovative as someone may expect.