Solid Call of Duty Experience!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Just to put it in simple terms.... Guns rock, graphics rock, multiplayer kicks butt, campaign (not sure :) ) haha and overall there are just all the small improvements in the gameplay it just totally feels complete. Not to mention I like most of the maps! My all time favourite thing is the fact that you can have different sidearms like shotguns and uzis and also I LOVE the perks and the kill streak reward system that u may change around haha like im going deploying turrets in Call of Duty! What could be sweeter then that..... well I guess that NUCLEAR BOMB you can get at I think 15 kills straight ;)

BUY IT! If your human you will love this game! They created an engaging shooter which allows you to play through a terrific simulation.
I just bought the regular edition and it is serving me great haha :) and I heard that the NVG (night vision goggles) have horrible depth perception cause it uses one lens to take in the light. Looks fun so use I guess if someone is breaking into my condo now I may sneak up on him in complete darkness and tie them up until help arrives haha in the mean time I think I will just play COD MW2 to let the time go by.