Gamespot and other people say that this game is mediocre, but i really think that they are wrong!

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour GC
When i brought the game i was very nervous, gamespot and other sites all have said that this game is mediocre, i have saw it on PS2 and thought that they were right, but oh boy this game rocks (if you give a chance to it...).

Graphics: 8.0
The graphics are good, visible better than the PS2 version, but don't expect more than that.

Sound 10.0
Awesome music and good sounds makes you really think that are in the middle of Stalingrad.

Gameplay 10.0
The controls work really well, the enemy AI is good, when you shot the chest of someone for example he but he's hands where you shot it like he was felling the pain, but the ally AI sometimes seen dumb.

Fun 9.0
This game is really fun but you have only one or two checkpoints per level and sometimes you have to go back after you make a huge progress.

Replay ?.?
Don't know, i brought the game today and haven't finished yet.

Overall 9.0
This game is really better than i expected, if you give a chance to it you really gonna love it! I don't see any slow dows in it like the gamespot review told it have.

P.S: If you don't understand my english is because i'm brazilian.