Better rent it or buy it used. If the store is asking more than 4 dollars don't buy it.

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
So this is the 3rd title of Call of duty and the first title on PS2, XBOX and GC. Well when I saw the graphics they were ok, very good details, better than the PC graphics I think, but talking about the storyline and gameplay it is a very bad game. 1-when you are taking fire you try to move around to evade the bullets and get to cover but in this title when you are taking fire from a machine gun or sub-machine gun you will move but slowly as hell, so you must think before leaving your cover to get to another place. 2- if you take one round you will lose almost all your health and this happens also on easy mode.
The only good thing this game has are the tank simulator missions, the action is very nice, and you feel like if you are inside the real tank. And talking about graphics, I got very surprised they are good, but the graphics doesn't make a good game, gameplay and storyline does.