Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Digital Pro Edition) PS4

For a shooter game to be this interesting, the makers must have had a whole new and evolved form of thinking processes to sanction it possible. The battles were mind blowing and truly involved advanced warfare weaponry. For fans of this genre, I would say it is okay if you miss a hit at your enemies, but it is definitely not okay to miss this Sledgehammer Games' masterpiece! The only setback would be that the character you are playing would not have a say of his own. By feeding on instructions as a mute person throughout the game, Mitchell turned out to be so less of any significance and far from being important or remembered. Even at all fails, you can play the whole game for Kevin Spacey alone. He is always a delight to watch, be it in a movie or in a game!