Infinity Ward has out-done themselves.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Infinity Ward has created yet another Call of Duty, but before you decide to close the window, you should read more to understand what is new to the series. It's no longer about WWII, instead, it's a fictional story about 2007. You take control of 2 characters, you will be fully aware of when your character changes because of change in enemies, terrain, and load screen alerting you that you are no longer playing as "Soap".

Presentation: The main menu is pretty ordinary. But what other game has you executed in front of thousands of people?

Graphics: Modified version of the graphics engine used in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2. It looks surprisingly good.

Gameplay: Just like the other Call of Duty games but with weapons of the 21st century and you no longer melee with the but of your weapon, you know use a knife like a civilized man.

Sound: Sounds better than any other Call of Duty, and now with cooler British guys.

Lasting Appeal: Online is awesome and will keep you playing Modern Warfare for hours on end.