Possible one of the Best FPS on Wii.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition WII
After two years of waiting Wii owners finally get Call of Duty 4 for the Nintendo Wii renamed Call of Duty :Modern Warfare Reflex edition(Jesus talk about over killing it).

Campaign:Call of Duty 4 plays like a war movie such as Black hawk down or Full metal jacket.The game's campaign feels to be a new fresh of air compare to other Wii games that were rushed or really buggy. The game controls are possible one of the best things from this port, there are many way to customized your controls to your liking. The aiming always feels right and was never a chore to play with. The game's campaign will clock you to 4 to 8 hours of playing during your first time through but there is replay value to go back on to. Every level contains Intel and you used it for cheats for the main game. The AI in this game is very smart both allies and enemies,your allies will save you a lot when you're under fire from enemies.Your enemies will try hide behind doors or use tactics to take you out.The game's plot isn't one of the game's high points but it does help move the story.The squad play in the game isn't really that fun, All it is where the second player plays the game like a onrails shooter.The Main reason why it's bad is the first player will need to be careful while playing the game, So you'll behind cover a lot then shooting.

Multiplayer: The main reason to own this game.Call of duty 4 Multiplayer alone is just worth the money to pick up this game. The bad first then we'll get into the pros.Number one issue:their is no local play.If there was local Multiplayer the game would of score higher.Number two:When the host leaves, the game ends.Now i can understand this but it can be really annoying at times.
Number three:this port has less features from the other ports like No mic support,only 10 players,less gamemodes and no killcam. Some understandable but no mic support and only 10 players? when medal of honor heroes 2 has 32 players online and the conduit 2 has mic support. No excuse.
COD4 Multiplayer is all about leveling up like an RPG, you'll kill people to rank up to get more weapons or perk which are special abilities such as more health,more ammo or stronger damage. The game has several maps in several climates so the battlefield will effect you since your guns can Camouflage,so it would be a good idea to sneak around then going out and being sniped.The game has a ton of team based game modes but however though with no mic support it can be hard to work like a team.The game does support friends codes so you can invite friends to your game.Sadly though this game doesn't contain any of the DLC packs from the other ports.Unlike most wii shooters that lack any point from playing the Multiplayer but since Call of duty 4 is very fun to play and there is a point to play the Multiplayer to upgrade and get more weapons, players will stick on this for a long time.

Graphics and sound:Call of duty 4 for the Nintendo Wii looks great on the system while it won't win any awards for being the best looking game or even best looking Wii game, the graphics still do look really good for a Wii game and it doesn't feel like an eye sore to look at. The framerate can get very touch at times when too much is on the screen for the Wii to hold on.Sound-wise call of duty 4 sounds pretty much the same from the other ports. Barley any compressing.

Overall:I would totally recommend this game to anybody that is looking for a good FPS on the Wii.The game will kept players busy for quite a long time.