The Campaign is too short,but the multiplayer picks up the slack and makes this the best call of duty game in the series

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
The Good: The Single Player Campaign can be alot of fun,Arcade mode adds up more replay value,New Gameplay mechanics are great,The multiplayer is additive and fun.Great soundtrack and Graphics.Tons of weapons.

The Bad:Campaign is too short,Weak story,AI is too easy or too hard at times.Some online issues.

The Bottom Line:Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare has it's flaws,but it feels fresh and original thanks to it's new gameplay mechanics and brand new multiplayer features.It might not win game of the year,but I can see this game being a runner up for best shooter game of 2007,all it has to do is just beat the other shooters on the market.Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare is a fun sequel to the series and the best in the series.Lets's hope we see more from Infinity Ward in the future,let's hope.