Infinity Ward has made all of these WWII games of the Call of Duty series but we all know IT'S OUT!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Infinity Ward has made all of these World War II games and we know that they are out and not as fun. The multiplayer is one of the best around and you shouldn't miss it. The downfall is that the offline single-player campaign is brief.

Now on the campaign side of single-player is that it is extremely short but it is filled with excitement. But you know that they say, it's quality not quantity. And that is what this game is all about. You may beat this game in under 4 hours on easy modes but on hard modes it can be really really frustrating and hard.

As I stated earlier that the quality is amazing, and the story is told from 2 different views. You play as two different people. One from the US Marines and the other from the British SAS. The campaign starts off great and just sucks you in because of the intenseness of it. You can't stop playing. The campaign starts with you aboard a helicopter with rain pouring rain which looks absolutely amazing, and you are over an ocean and see a huge ship. The mission starts out with you and your teammates rapeling from the helicopter which looks incredible and when you drop down and your teammates just just go blazing on unsuspected enemies inside the control room. Then you and your teammates will will just push your way through this place with many drunk, sleeping, and unexpected soldiers. Then you will make your way through the ship and after an explosion goes off and you have to get out of the ship, this is an even more incredible part with the ship leaning one way and the screen just like that and water pouring in, pots and pans and other stuff just rolling down the hallways and you just making off the ship. Your heart just pumps almost making you have a heat attack. Then you just have to sit your controller down and just stop and think, "What the hell just happened? That was bad ass." You have never seen anything like this in a game before ever.

The HUD (heads up display) is straightfoward and simple which is good. It has a compass and tell you to go from one point to another, but it isn't that simple to get there. You will go from Middle Eastern countries from going through house after house and seems like it will never end-in a good way. You will find a terrorist leader, who will get his ass kicked. You will be in a ghillie suit and make your-stealthly-through tons of enemies and tanks just coming a couple of inches away from you. It makes your heart just pump faster and faster just lying on the ground and have the armed forces walk right past you, just waiting if they will see you or touch you. So the campaign is something you will hopefully play numerous times, and yes it has plenty of replay value even though the campaign is really short.

Although if you're looking for the longness of the game, just hit up the multiplayer. With up to 18 players in a game and 16 maps. There are numerous game modes which includes team death match and free-for-all deathmatch which is everyone against everyone and many other game modes.

Some great additions are added to the online as if you get 3 kills in-a-row, you will get a UAV, which is all the positions of the enemies on your radar for about 30 seconds. If you get 5 kills in-a-row, you will get to call and airstrike where a map pops up and you can choose the position at which the bombs are to be dropped. And lastly if you get 7 kills in-a-row, you can call a helicopter to just fly around the area and just drop people like crazy and it will stary there for about 3 minutes or until it is shot down, which is hard unless you carry an RPG. The maps are made from the maps fromt the single-player.

You will gain experience points for your rank. Your ranks will depend how good and how long you play basically. The higher rank you get, you will get more perks. Some perks are pretty awesome. But some make you made when they are used on you. Like the martyrdom perk which lets you drop a grenade every time you die so the ones around you die. Which it is cool when you have it, but when it is used against you, it gets annoying.  You can get other great perks as juggernaut, which it gives you more health, and last man standing which when get killed it puts you on the ground and lets you have that last chance with a pistol to get that final kill or two before you die or get that extra bullet put into you to finish you off.

Now to the graphics which are some of the best out there. The characters look as real as ever which you can see every strand of hair from beards to hair. The environments are crazy with crater holes from bombs and walls destroyed and the stone laying all around it. It has awesome texture and shadows. The sound of the game is awesome as well. The guns can be heard from far away and they sound so realistic. The voice acting is amazing as well. The music is great live you're in a movie. This amazing game can run at an amazing 1080p.

Altogether this is a great game and shouldn't be missed. You should buy this game and play all day because I know I did. The single-player is short but can be played numerous times. Don't miss out on this game, especially the multiplayer.