CoD 4 stays true to the addictive gameplay, beefs up the graphics, and adds some great new features

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
The Call of Duty series has always delivered in every aspect. It's no suprise that the repeated success of the CoD series ensured the success of this newest addition to the franchise. The graphics have been pushed to the limit, with glassy smooth framerates. I don't know how, but Call of Duty always manages to blend the perfect amount of graphics and high framerates together seamlessly. Single player is better than ever, where every mission is epic, exciting, and often times breathtaking. All the missions are highly climactic or build a lot of tension, in other words, it sucks you into the moment. Some people say the single player is short, but with what action they give you in every mission, I'm definitely not complaining. Multiplayer is possibly the best part about this already great game. The gameplay stays true to all other Call of Duty games--if it already works, why fix it? Multiplayer is highly addictive, and with the new perk system and unlockables, it can definitely keep you hooked for longer than you'll want to admit. Perks and weapon customization is a great way to keep every match dynamic, requiring different strategies for every group of people you play with. Whether you play as a juggernaut, scout, or explosives expert, the possibilities are endless. Once you unlock everything you possibly can for a certain class, you can just go back and unlock everything for a different one, providing a fresh new experience to an already extremely prolonged amount of multiplayer life. Overall, this game is a winner in both single and multiplayer, doing what the CoD series does best, and simultaneously exceeding what other games with similar features have done in the past. Buy it, it's undoubtedly worth your money.