Best in series, the modern game play is something Ive always been waiting for.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
One of the best games i have played to date. I have been waiting for a first person modern shoots that rocks my socks. THIS IS THE ONE. I will be playing this not stop for a while. Halo3 may have come out before but you always save the best for last. Halo is repetitive this is something new with online that is not just another shooter. I played the PC demo about 40 times beat it on every setting and just cant get enough. The graphics are amazing and really add to the game play. Finally a shooter where bullets penetrate things like cardboard and 1in thick concrete. I love the new knifing affect and not just being able to kill someone with the butt of your gun. Also sniping is fun and the realistic way people dies just adds to it. The environments are destructive but not to the point where you cant find cover. A MUST HAVE!!!!