The best online shooter today.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the forth installment in the call of duty franchise and continues to make the name Call of Duty shine and be remembered by gamers.

The single player aspect of the game is a very action packed ride that has a lot of good flow between the two soldiers you play as. The story is immersive and really shows you what it's like through the eyes of a soldier. It's not as long as most single player first person shooters but it's all quality and all action which really makes up for the lack of time spent playing the single player.

But to be honest, you wouldn't buy a call of duty 4 just for the single player. The popular call of duty multi player is introduced this time with a much more deep and innovative way of playing. First of all you can customize up to five sets which consist of your primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenades and a choose from a list of perks to suit your class best. Multi player modes are different in their own ways making it fun to rotate between tactics depending on which game type your playing. But one of my favorite things about the multi player was the hardcore setting. When creating your own server you can toggle on or off the hardcore setting, this removes your hud, crosshair and xp bar, leaving you with a full field of vision. The hardcore setting also makes weapons much more deadlier and realistic, making weapons able to kill with just one or two shots making you have to think whether your next step will get you killed.

In conclusion call of duty 4: modern warfare is a very good and rewarding game, filled with amazing features and a good sense of playing level for everyone.