This whole game is just another reason why to buy Call of Duty 2.

User Rating: 7.3 | Call of Duty 3 X360
Let me start by saying: This isn't a terrible, mediocre game in any way. Its actually a fairly well-made game. However, it plays a little too much like its past games. This third installment also has a few more bugs and glitches than previous games, and really you might as well buy Cod2, as it is cheaper, the online is much, much more reliable, etc. I think the online community is even bigger on Cod2 than it is on 3. So yeah. Graphics aren't that bad, sound is still awesome, but it basically feels like you just bought Cod2 or 20 more dollars, which is a definite rip off. Just because this is the newest installment in the franchise, it surely doesn't mean you HAVE to get it. Save your money, and enjoy your WWII gaming by getting Cod2, which in my own opinion, is much more polished than this new game. So, newcomers to the Call of duty franchise, you have been warned. Unless you want to waste 20 bucks, get Cod2 and enjoy the fanastic online community.