Maybe you will like it i did not.

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty 3 PS3
Call of Duty 3 is a crappy 1st person shooter. The guns are cool and work just like guns from WW2 and that is probrably the only good thing about this game. The levels are way too long! The game play is bad and the mechanics are bad. The graphics are pretty bad and the story is ok but does not feel like a war story. The online is crappy with a stupid rewards system that needs to change. Oh wait it does change and that is why i love Call of Duty 4 so much. Another bad thing are some of the guns are so inaccurate and others are so cheap. Also, the tanks are really cheap and the levels are not well designed. This game just after time becomes plain boring to me and the battles are dragged out way too long. Overall Call of Duty 3 is a bad game that trys to be like WW2 but fails in almost every category and maybe it is for you but it is definitely not for me.