Absolutely slaughters the more recent Call of Duties in comparison, especially overrated MW2.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 2 X360
Today Call of Duty is a big name in gaming these days, and as we all know Modern Warfare 2 has come out recently and has racked up impressive scores, but does it truly earn that respect like the classics did?
Thats questionable. People all seem to think CoD rocketed off into stardom with CoD 4 but thats actually not true.... CoD got it's real start with CoD 2 as the first good shooter and launch title on the 360. Now that we got the history down, lets talk about how this game is so much better than the recent installments. Well for one, it's not lazy, two: it's very difficult in a good way, three: the guns actually have...... RECOIL, OMG!!!! The main point here is this game has much more quality and time put into it than the newer CoD's do. Story is also a big part in this game, unlike the newer CoD's. If you are looking for a solid Old-school shooter with substance, pick up this game NOW!