Unique in it's own right! Different from other games I have seen/played on other systems!

User Rating: 8.4 | Cabela's Dangerous Hunts PS2
I cringed when I was given this by the hubby as a gift, thinking...not another, bad, cheesy game! Boy was I wrong! This game teaches you patience! Hand, eye control. Timing, gaging, judging, never know what will "pop out of the woods, at you" LITERALLY!
I liked the sounds, they are quiet realistic. The graphics aren't that bad, but could do with a bit of tweaking here and there. I couldn't get the ATV to drive right, so I never used it. They should have focused a bit on being a bit more realistic. Come on...the guy drowns when he gets into the water!? How many hunters in real life have gone through water to get to their game!? And what hunter would not fetch his fallen prey, if it has died in the water!? Try to do it on this game, and you die!

Hopefully if more of these games are made they add a ton of different animals to hunt, more enviorments!! Keep it so I don't have to rush, and can take my time. Offer more of the same animal, when on a hunt, so I have a chance of getting a better, bigger trophy! Let us hunt more than big game, let us hunt things like squirrles, rabbits, pheasant, quail, ducks, geese, ect!

If the makers of this game just sat and gave a bit more thought, took their time, they could possibly turn out a very good, alluring game!

Hubby and I would sit and play for hours, trying to get a better trophy, in the fastest time. All the while, trying to avoid becoming prey ourselves!