May dissapoint fans of the series

User Rating: 7.6 | Bust-A-Move DS DS
Bust a move DS fairs well at being a somewhat challenging single player puzzle game. It excells at being a fun multiplayer battle, but has relatively limited diversity in its gameplay. This installment in the series seems very lacking in certain degrees of its content. There is very little unlockable content. All the puzzle stages are available to you from the get go, there is no level advancement in the puzzle stages as in previous bust a move installments. There are a few unlockable characters, but there is no difference whatsover in what character you are using except the pattern of the color bubbles you shoot, so it is possible to beat your best times with one character with another. For the most part though, the puzzles are lackluster in presentation, as you just pick from a list of puzzle sets and try to set high scores in times.

All in all, if you know somebody that has this game, stick to playing multiplayer with them. It's not worth the buy if you don't have anyone to play against anyway.

On a plus note, surprisingly, the touch screen aspect adds a new twist to the challenge of aiming. It seems surprisingly easy to aim your bubbles in the exact trajectory that you are plannin on shooting them. Also with the ability to bounce bubbles off the roof you get another angle to play with in popping those pesky bubbles.