It's an ok game.

User Rating: 7.9 | Burnout (Classics) XBOX
In 2001 Burnout was released on the Playstation 2, and even though I heard some of my friends say that it was 1 of the best race games they had ever played, I never played it, up until about a month ago. I got the game on the Xbox, not because I think the game would be better on it, but because it was on sale. Though I am playing the game four years later, I still don’t think this game is the best racing game ever, back in those days you had Gran Turismo 3, which I think is the best racing game ever. But then again, 4 years later, I still enjoyed this game very much, even though it had to endure several successors. Now on with the review itself.

Burnout is not your standard racing game, your opponents won’t be the only vehicles you’ll have to worry about here. In this game you’ll have to finish first through regular traffic. In all your races you’ll have that annoying timer in the top of your screen which, if it runs out, means game over. You can choose to play championship, single race, head to head and time attack.

Graphics: 7/10

Nothing special, I even think the game looks a little bit crappy. But what they made me give a 7 to the graphics are the crash scenes. When you’re at top speed and crash into a civilian vehicle, you ger a small crash scene. Only downside is that you can’t turn it off and that after a few times those crash scenes only add to your frustration. Other than that there really isn’t anything special about the graphics of the game, it’s not good, but it’s not really bad either.

Sound: 6/10

Again, nothing special. But that may be because I can’t take full advantage of the dolby surround ability. The sound of the vehicles are ok, you know, engines noises and crash sounds. But there isn’t really anything stands out.

Gameplay: 7/10

Good, the game was easy to ’learn’, but also hard to master. When I started playing, I chose the easy handling car first, which was prefect for me, though the car wasn’t really fast you did learn the behaviour of the computer cars and the normal vehicles, while still being able to win the race. When you’re more familiar with game you can try harder and faster cars, as they are unlocked with the default cars. All in all, a very nice racing experience.

This was it for my review on Burnout, if you’re interested in this game I’d suggest you just buy it, it won’t be expensive I’m sure and I think you’ll enjoy it. I know I did and I’ll soon pick up some of the new Burnout versions. See ya.