The chrashes are deffentlty the best part about this game.

User Rating: 7 | Burnout GC
So this was the very first game i bought for the gamecube. I bought it, when i got my gamecube actually. Now, im not really all that into the whole racing game type thing, but this game seemed pretty cool. The game, is really easy, just like most racing games are. The controls are easy to handle, and you also have some like speed booster type thing that makes you seem like your going 10 times faster than normal. One you beat the game, you can unlock a nice sports type car, a bus, and a 18 wheeler (not the cab part).. theres probably more but i cant remember because i havent played this game in a few years. The chrashes are insane, the greatest part about the game. They even replay them back in slow motion, and the faster you are going, the more crazy the chrash will end up.