Addictive Time Management Burger Shop Game with lots of different levels and modes.

User Rating: 7.5 | Burger Shop PC
This hamburger shop time management game is a lot of fun for the money.
You start out making simple burgers, fries and drinks for patient customers.
Then things get gradually more complex and difficult. Check out these ingredients: hamburger buns, beef patties, cheese, lettuce, tomato, bacon, ketchup, mustard, ranch/mayo.
Now enter the chicken breast pattie, and build burgers with various different combinations of all the above ingredients again; except chicken never gets cheese.
French fries are all you start out with, then enter onion rings, and then spicy curly fries; then soon you have to deal with both large and small sizes; and later they get ordered with or without one of the three sauces.
Cola is the first soda you serve, then you get orange, and then lime-green sodas; then large and small of all the above sodas.
Soft serve ice cream becomes unlocked after a few levels; you start out with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry; then things get more complicated with hot fudge, rainbow sprinkle, and cherry toppings.
Shakes are made from the soft serve machine in the three flavors, using a large soda cup, then transferred to the mixer/blender machine.
Ice cream floats also become an item; a large soda, with soft serve ice cream added; you can add ice cream or soda first, then the other. It is always cola and vanilla; no root beer here.
Chicken nuggets become available, in several different arrangements, all served in a tray: three nuggets with or without a sauce (the original ketchup, mustard, ranch/mayo sauces), or 6 nuggets, or 3 nuggets with carrot and/or celery sticks, or just vegetable sticks and sauce.
There is also a kids meal served in the chicken nugget tray: small fries (one of the 3 varieties), 3 chicken nuggets, a toy, and choice of sauce.
In the later more difficult levels, the burgers are available in double and triple versions; imagine this:

A triple bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, and mustard. Hectic.

Now if you do well serving customers, there is a robot friend, The Burger Bot; he activates when your tip meter gets full, then you drag and drop him onto your most complicated order, and he completes it in a flash.
The customers become gradually more impatient; so you have cookies on the side; giving out a cookie to an impatient customer makes the more patient, because if they get angry and leave before you finish their order, then you lose that level.
In Story Mode, you can lose customers as long as you earn your cash quota required to move to the next level.
In Challenge Mode, the first time you lose a customer.. Game Over.
In Relax Mode, customers have no impatience meters, and are willing to wait as long as it takes for you to finish their orders; this is a good mode for younger children.

Clowns show up and order crazy things like soft serve with mustard on top, or a burger with just the bun and lettuce.
Aliens also show up and they all have a favorite type of burger; these aliens play a major role in the story mode of this game, and there will be no spoilers here.

Very addictive game with many trophies to earn.