GTA meets...high school?

User Rating: 8.5 | Bully PS2
Bully really is like a teenage version of Grand Theft Auto minus the common recurring them of stealing cars. You have your gangs (The Bullies, Nerds, Preps, Jocks, and Greasers), girlfriends, custom clothing, and different area maps. What's really cool is how your get stat upgrades by passing classes. The game also seem to have a 1950's them to it (hence the Greaser reference) which was sort of unexpected. Jimmy kind of reminded me of Tommy Verchetti from Vice City...there are very little redeeming qualities in him that would make him anything beyond the game's protagonist.

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Seeing the GTA game format successfully applied to another game
- Humorous
- Misadventures take you beyond the school yard
- Unique arsenal of weapons

What's Not-So-Good:

- I've heard there's a way to get Jimmy to kiss boys...I know Rockstar likes to push the limit but c'mon they're still kids. You might have well gave Jimmy guns if this'll fly.

What's Bad:

- Seemed a bit short in comparison to its GTA brethren

In all, if you're a fan of GTA and don't mind some of the uber violence being toned down a bit, you should like this game as well.