The leash can be fun but overall combat is pretty meh. The meta game of trick shots gets old fast.

User Rating: 6 | Bulletstorm PS3
This is another one of the shooters I regret buying shortly after purchase. While it's really fun at the beginning later on you really just want to shoot people and have them be dead. This becomes amplified 100x while using the sniper rifle. Iron sighting the pistol is a more efficient way of sniping enemies, which is sad. To clarify every time you fire the sniper you have to play a sort of mini game where you guide the bullet, it's fun at first but quickly gets old and prevents you from using the sniper for prolong periods(as it's way too time consuming/annoying).

Enemies that are immune to the leash and kick are slightly annoying, either the game wants you to pull combos on everything or it doesn't want you to do it at all. It would have been better to not have entire parts of the game where the apparent focus of combat (trick shots with leash etc) isn't made useless.

Auto aim on iron sighting, is not a favorite feature for me, I really wish they wouldn't put that in games.

The dialogue is crude and poorly delivered.

Overall the game isn't bad but i'm not sure I will ever play it again and I don't think I would recommend it to friends. It really falls into that meh I played it category.

It's another mindless corridor shooter with a small tweak, trick shots. Overall I give it a 6 because they didn't do anything wrong but they didn't really deliver anything special.