It's hard to describe

User Rating: 8 | Bulletstorm X360
I choose 8 for this game because I really enjoy it , but the truth is that he don't deserve more than 7 maybe .
The single player campaign is funny and you don't get bored but the story leaves u the impression that the person who design it was drunk or high , or just wanna have fun . You will ask yourself many times if u follow the storyline why ? or wtf ? but the fact is that is very entertaining and full of jokes .
This game really made me laugh at many times , so for that I will give a plus to the story.
The gameplay is awesome , u got some cool weapons to kill mutants with , great combos and some cool environment stuff who is meant to harm the enemies .
But enough with the single player , I consider echoes and multiplayer more important . Echoes are single player missions that u can replay and u get a score for that , so if u done the missions perfect or at least with high score u got 3 stars . U can do this echoes for achievement and u can challenge your xbox live friends to beat your score .
I consider the main part of this game the multiplayer . U have a 4 person co-op . U must complete 30 waves of mutants . The maximum level is 65 and as you level up u get more stuff to design your character with like helmet , boots , etc.
So in the end , both single and multi player will give u a nice experience .