Must see at a discount

User Rating: 8.5 | Bulletstorm X360
Whatever you read prior to this the bottom line is this: great game, but short. If you liked any of the Gears games and you like shooters this will be right up your alley. I have never actually written a review on a game before, but I felt compelled on this one simply to save others from missing out.

Yes - It is short, and the multiplayer is nothing to get excited about. Even the echoes mode is a bit boring as you simply just replay the campaign. But the campaign alone makes this game worth it at a discounted price. I bought for $30 and regret not a dime of it. If I bought at $60 I would have been dissapointed, but the other reviews saved me from that.

Graphics are great. Gameplay is solid. The swearing is obsessive but it doesn't bother me, and at times the dialogue is entertaining. The story is pretty good too. Most of all, the game made a mark on me for the kills. The whiplash, weapons, and kicking give you so many entertaining ways to kill the baddies. Take if for what it's worth, a short but good game. Split the cost with you buddies like I did.