A Wacky First Person Shooter Bringing Together Point Scoring, Ridiculous Means of Killing and Getting Points For Them

User Rating: 8 | Bulletstorm X360
Bulletstorm, follows a string of recent wacky competition point based games whose stories are hard to believe, but its game play is what its strongest point is. You and a fellow Mercenary crash land on a planet packed to the brim with many different enemies intent on eating you alive, cannibalistic gangs, mutants and plants that eat you whole.

But these are all things you can use to make wacky and absurd deaths to gain points like kicking an attacking Cannibal into the mouth of a hungry flesh eating plant that chews him up alive.
Kick them off roofs and ledges into the plummets below, but before you do maybe shoot them in their crotches or shoot them in their asses before kicking them off. Each gaining you a new move and points.

In the end, the story stops concerning you and the environments do as you find many new means of killing your enemies to notch up your scores, including kicking enemies into a massive churning waterfall and the nuts and bolts of its reservoir. Also through the game you get your hands on new weapons that in themselves present unknown moves of death including a gun that shoots two steel balls connected by a chain you can attach to an enemies legs, neck and even their arms before exploding to a flare gun that sets enemies alight.

The Good:
- Amazing current graphics and lush environments.
- Environments become many means of killing, with very inventive moves around you to use.
- Weapons are wacky and have alternative uses against enemies.
- Scores become the most important as you compete to beat either your own old score on a mission or a friend's online.
- The story is simple but is quite original and funny.

The Bad:
- Story mode is too short.
- Some moves are hard to find, and takes a lot of sniffing around with weapons.

Bulletstorm is probably one of EA games released to date, for those who want just plain fun and those who want to achieve competing in scores.