Absolutely brilliant game, surprisingly good story and very addictive.

User Rating: 9 | Bulletstorm X360
Bulletstorm was not really a game I expected to enjoy, and quite honestly, I think it's fantastic.

We will start off with the few bad points though, just to get that out of the way. First off. The game is easy, I played on Normal difficulty and I died about 5 times in the playthrough, and that was only at one point that I couldn't get past, which had about 4 bosses in one room.

And also the game isn't very long, I beat it in just under 6 hours.

The good points now, the "kill with skill" feature in the game is obviously the biggest part, and it's pulled off extremely well, with over 100+ different skill moves, ranging from kicking someone into a cactus, to leashing someone into lightning, it's pretty damn brilliant.

The dialogue is hilarious, I don't generally laugh at dialogue in games that much, but this kept me amused all the way, and one character (Triska) was especially amusing and even lovable at some points.

I won't really talk about the story that much, because I don't want to spoil anything, but all I've got to say is that the story is very good, and the ending is extremely confusing.

The graphics are impressive, the game is beautiful and has some of the best graphics for 2011 standard.

Overall, Bulletstorm is an amazing game, coming from Epic Games, we should hope so, for people who don't know, it's the same developers as Gears of War. So I had high expectations and it was fun to complete it, with all the over the top skill moves, the amazing, and impactful guns, the hilarious dialogue and the great story. This is a game to be proud of.