A low budget game with awful gunshoting and average story

User Rating: 5.5 | Bullet Witch X360

Music and Sound : 6


Gameplay : 4.5
gunfights are very bad its like ur shooting a wall no good reaction from the enamys...
The controls take quite a bit of getting used to ...


Graphics : 4.1

1- graphics technical issues..
2- some fram rate..
3- lighting effects result in a lot of flickering and horribly pixelated shadows..


Story: 6
Mankind is on the brink of destruction, having suffered major natural disasters and an invasion of demons.. great ideas the only thing will distroy this kind of storys is ((awful dialogue)) and its very short


Replay Value : 3.6
there is no reason to go through the game again only if u want to earn achievement points

spells are a lot of fun to use
great destructible environments.
great character
Some memorable boss fights
good visuals

graphics technical issue
Enemy AI as severe flaws
short story
awful dialogue
The controls take quite a bit of getting used to
bad Gunfight

overall : 55%