Even though Bubsy 3d has bad graphics, cheesy dialogue and extreme difficulty in later levels, it is still a good game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Bubsy 3D PS
Bubsy 3d portrays the story of Bubsy, a cat- thing who plays through a series of platform levels. The game is very, very, very cheesy but, in it's own right, is fun, for at least an hour or so.

The Good:
-Descent Platforming
-Quite a Long Game

The Bad:
-Very Very Very Hard
-Graphics are abysmal
-Cheesiest Dialogue I've ever heard
-Once you get to like level 5, you'll be bored. Just as well, that's when it gets really really hard.

Well, Even though Bubsy 3d has bad graphics, cheesy dialogue and extreme difficulty in later levels, it is still a good game and shouldn't be missed by really hardcore platforming fans. It is good for young kids, and I probably would have gave it like a 10/10 when I was 5. But, if you are intrested in getting it, rent it first. seriously.

Overall, 6.5/10

Well what would a platformer be without Platfroms?