In case you missed it...get it!

User Rating: 9 | Brutal Legend X360
While this game is now about 3 years old I just finally got around to playing it after it sat on my game shelf for a couple years. I gave it a peak when I first got it but I had been on a kick for a long time of only playing racing games like Forza and Need for Speed games so even tho I picked up a variety of games when I saw a good deal I would rarely play them. This is one I feal guilty for not playing right away. Today I am close to half way thru and I am really impressed. It is GTA but with a more cartoony look and some kick a$$ music. It has some extremely great music and the visuals really are great for what the game is. It would be interesting to see a more realistic and highly detailed version of the game but it seems ok how it is for what it is. The missions,the earned items and so on are very different and I am always eager to see what my next ability or modification or music will pop up next. It really made it hard to put down. I have also spent many hours doing the side jobs to please the rock gods for points for upgrades to me and my ride. Exploration is tedious on foot but almost too fast when driving. I find myself constantly adjusting the camera,tapping both gas and break and trying to turn. It really keeps your thumbs very busy when driving and exploring. It is hard to believe there is so much to find. At times it seems there isn't enough territory to hold all the collectables, I havnt even found half the dragons to unleash and it seems like I have been everywhere. Most of all it is just a great collection of adventure,fighting,driving,exploring the sandbox style world and the extensive upgrades and what not make this a game you have to set aside time for. The voice work by Ozzy,Jack Black and many others along with the very deep selection or rock and metal music had me blasting my speakers. I usually end up turning the in game music down but in this game I made it louder than the voices and sound effects. I have never done that it all my 22 years of playing video games. You cant help but bang your head every now and again while playing even tho I dont have the long locks.
Overall,the game plays well,looks good,sounds great,and has a high replay value. Its only weak points are sometimes you crave more realistic graphics, and sometimes the thumbs really get tired manipulating the camera. These are only mild flaws compared to the overall value of everything this game does right. By now this game should be very affordable and I really cant say there is any excuse you shouldnt have this game in your collection,unless you hate to ROCK! Mabye its a bit too much for the young kids but this game is definately for the 18 to 40ish crowd,especially if you remember a time when rock really kicked azz! Set aside a few bucks and take some time to experience this crazy world of Brutal Legend. I gotta get back to playing now.

Johnny B aka JJ
xbox tag speedfreakjj