User Rating: 9 | Brutal Legend X360
Brütal Legend - to give its proper, metal umlaut-endowed name - is inspired by and based heavily on metal, and as such its core audience is the metal fraternity. But they are richly rewarded. Jack Black (Tenacious D) plays the role of the ultimate roadie, Eddie Riggs (a reference both to Iron Maiden's mascot and his original artist), in a world filled with cliff faces made entirely of amps, a car made from scavenged metal parts strewn throughout the land, creepy gothic graveyards, and namedrops galore - Lars and Lita Halford, the Kill Master (who looks suspiciously like Mr. Kilminster - i.e. Lemmy) and Lionwhyte (named after hair metal abomination White Lion, and portrayed as such). Then there's the cast; alsongside Black you will find his TD running buddy Kyle Gass, Lita Ford, Lemmy, Rob Halford (twice), and Ozzy as the Guardian of Metal (read: owner of car shop from hell. Literally. Flames, brimstone and everything), while guitar work is offered from Halford's Judas Priest bandmates Glenn Tipton and K.K. Downing.
OK so I've waxed lyrical about the metal chops this band carries - what about the game? Well, it's not half bad at all. The use of guitar riffs as power ups or summoning tools, as well as the other kind of axe (an axe) serving as primary weapon, is a masterstroke, the ability to upgrade the Deuce (Eddie's car) and enhance weapons and armour is frankly so ludicrous it's brilliant (especially the parley twixt Riggs and Ozz... sorry, the Guardian of Metal).
The only real gripe comes with the major battle scenes. While these, also, are awesome - and several of the 107 songs in this game are unlocked at battles, such as Priest's "Painkiller", "Her Ghost In The Fog" by Cradle of Filth, and "Murmaider" by Metalocalypse legends Dethklok - at times it seems like you can't get anywhere quickly enough. There is so much going on at once that it's hard to keep track, especially in the dry ice mines (yes, I said dry ice MINES). But as the soundtrack is uniformly awesome (except for some of the hair metal crap) I generally overlook it.
So, to put it simply: if you love metal, then büy thïs gäme. And get yourself covered in Metal God Love.