The most authentic World War 2 experince.

User Rating: 8 | Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 (Platinum) PS2
Do not be deceived by Brothers in arms: Road to hill 30. What looks like another ordinary first person shooter set during world war two is really the most authentic war game I have ever played. Saving Private Ryan was my inspiration for buying Medal of Honour and Call of duty. But unlike these two games BIA took a risky chance and moved away from the huge commotional battlefields replacing it with French cattle fields.
This game isn’t about being a nobody who’s in the middle of a worn torn town charging with hundreds of men at loads of machine gun nests. It’s not even a one-man army game. Brothers in arms puts you in the shoes of Sergeant Matt Baker who leads a small squad of paratroopers that ranges from one man to six. It’s all about covering and flanking making the game very realistic. Your enemy die after one or two shots but then again so do you. Basically it’s all about tactics not action. The men you lead all have different personalities and backgrounds making this game a very emotional experience. Some of the men die. And it really does give out the message that war sucks. The controls were very confusing when I first played it but I got used to it after an hour or so. One problem was that to look down your scope, you had to push down on the R3 button. However this sometimes made moving a nightmare. Also the graphics aren’t as sharp as MOH Frontline. And apparently, a lot of dialogue was removed from the PS2 version, bur hey what you don’t know cant hurt you.

The frame rate drops when a lot of action occurs which is again a downside. That’s the problem with the game at the end of the day. It introduces a unique experience to first person shoots, but it’s packed with small flaws that make you kinda wish Ubi Soft had spent just a little more time perfecting everything.

None the less these flaws don’t destroy the BIA experience. Each level has lots of variety and breathtaking moments particularly the level entitled Cole’s charge. My favourite WW2 game will always be Frontline. But if were going for realism…get this now.