GREAT!, Must have For DS Shooter Enthusiasts

User Rating: 8 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
Great usage of Touch Screen, The sensitivity to aim is just right, and the grenade launch is very simplistic and easy to learn. There is good AI, Good Gameplay, I found it very easy to pick up and play. The Action isn't to frantic that you will need to have to use the touch screen past its limits. It has a rich duck and cover concept that doesn't complicate the game, and the mission runtime keeps you entertained. Destructive environments and good graphics, The multiplayer is also good if you can find people with it, but no wifi. The missions have a variety of objectives and different play styles. There are Tank missions, driving tidbits, and of course, on foot infrantry combat The Single Player is short, buy still enjoyable, with added difficulty settings to help give you a better experience of this great game. The Voice acting is good and can really give you a good sense of War, with the notations of Germans as "Krauts" or "Jerries". Overall, a great game in my Ds Library, i gladly await a sequel