It does have a few flaws, this game can offer some pretty fun and intense moments. Doesn't feel like a BIA game, though.

User Rating: 7.5 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
While this game is not perfect, it does however, deserve better than a 6.

The squad tactics from the other games have been taken away, you cannot give any orders at all. Also, there is no real story that lets you learn about the men around. There are a few cinematics in which you witness a conversation (subtitled, not spoken) or two, but not on the same level as Road to Hill 30, or Earned in Blood. The lack of tactics and story may leave BIA fans thinking that this is more like a third person MOH game than a BIA game.

There are many intense, sometimes difficult battles. Some levels are just right, and some are quite difficult. Each level seems to have an endless supply of objectives, from blowing up tanks, destroying artillery, and killing infantry. There is rarely a quiet moment, but it can get a little repetitive.

I found the controls easy enough to pick up, as my first DS shooter. You use the stylus to move the cross hair and view, and also to switch weapons, use grenades and even use aim down the sights. A drawback includes the fact that it takes some practice to turn around quickly. Grenades are a sinch to use.

The cover mechanism works quite well, you run up to an object and stop, and you will duck or put your back to it, depending on the type of cover. On the smaller types that you duck behind, you can jump over which can become very handy.

The graphics push the DS system to its limit, and are pretty good for the system. The frame rate may lag slightly when there is a lot of action on screen.

The Thompson's bah-bah-bah sound can get painfully repetitive and dull, but other than that, the sounds are largely recycled from the two other BIA games, which can be a good thing.

In the easy setting, you are limited to a M1A1 Thompson, M9 Bazooka, and a M1903 Springfield. Once you finish the game on easy, you get access to some more weapons.

There are a few bugs and glitches. I got stuck in random objects three times in the game, nothing major. A strange part was when I was taking cover behind a concrete tower and a tank on the other side managed to shoot straight through it and blow me up.

It does have some flaws, but the experience is still pretty fun.