Has all the right stuff, and Ubisoft made the best of a WWII Shooter for the DS

User Rating: 7.3 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
First of all: This game is short, with only 3 campaigns and and a coouple of missions in each one, now after reading the other reviews you might say, "why pick this up" but despite its shortcomings, this is a worthy edition to any DS-owner who enjoys this genre of game.

I did find this game to be a tad difficult, even on the lowest difficulty level, Normal. Athough you migh be able to walk right up to an entire platoon of German paratroopers and go melee on them, (which, I might add, looks so terribly presented he might be patting the Kraut in the back), the Panzers are a nightmare, and are quite skilled at killing you.

Glitches: Ah, yes, the falt to every men's handheld 3D game.
Since this is the first shooter of its kind for the DS I will say not bad, but in a sequel (Brothers in Arms DS: Vengence?) i would expect a bit more.

1: Being able to walk over to a Panzer and blow it up, even though you were supposed to hijack it
2: Not being able to walk over to a Panzer and blow it up to a scripted part of the mission
3: A tank (Allies) drives over and you are to get in, so you walk in front of it, it stops, and....you cant get in (Turn off power, Reload game, Try Again)

Thats about it for glitches... and now what i didnt like about this game:
1. The Missions are confusing, with some orders that make no sense
2. The somewhat open-ended enviorement can be confusing (where do I go)
3. If you are lost you will magiclly be blown up because you didnt go fast enough... (You'lle see wat i mean if youve played it)

I'd say this is better off as a rental, but i think you might still want this one along with your collection... Its a gem that needs blown on and dusted off...but its stll a gem.