tracked this game since i heard it was in development, and i have to say im not disapointed

User Rating: 8.7 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
this game may have a few camera problems but it is by far the most ambitious ds game in its genre. it has shattered the definitions of what an action game can do on the ds. graphics push the system to the limit and still manages to crank out 30 fps. as for gameplay, nazis r kinda dum but ur squad isnt exactly retarded. they take cover and arent just cosmetic. i wanted to see if they could kill nazis too, so i sat behind a wall and watched as my squad cleaned up 3 of those dirty bastards. and altho ur character is expected to do most of the killing, it helps u immerse urself into the game. as for multiplayer, i havent gotten a chance to test it out yet, but it seems just standard 2 on 2 team deathmatch, and 4 player free for all. sound is great. music is superb, although rare. gunshots, explosions, and tanks driving and cars are all realistic sounding. i had a few gripes with the length(dont plan on playing through this once on a 12 hour plane ride or watever), and lack of backstory or personality of your squad, but i am totally satisfied with this 30 dollar investment