Brothers and Arms DS Review.

User Rating: 8.8 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
This is a Review for the DS game Brothers and Arms DS or War Stories.

Gameplay: Finally! A WW2 game for the DS! The gameplay for this game is awsome! you can beat it on all of the difficulties and never get bored.

Graphics: For the Ds the graphics for this game were great. But for the Brothers and Arms Series, a little dissapointment.

Sound:The sound of war are all around! But for some reasons the germans are saying stupid things. I know pretty good German and they say "Ich bin Kartoffeln" which means " Im a potatoe". but other than that it is good

Value: For $30, this game is a real good deal. It seems Nintendo has priced DS game down to $30.

Reviewer's Tilt: Again I dont know what this means so i gave it a nine.