A decent looking package which soon becomes marred by a dodgy frame rate, outdated graphics and some odd quirks.

User Rating: 5.5 | Brothers in Arms: Double Time WII
Brothers In Arms: Double Time gives you two original Xbox games for the price of one (£40). Both of these games were quite successful on the Xbox, and remain largely the same having been ported over to the Wii.

The game plays similarly to most other WWII first person shooters, however your character also has a few commands at his disposal on top of the normal crouch, shoot and aim down sight, and these extra actions are used to advise your allies where to go and what to do in the style of SOCOM: US Navy Seals or Desert Storm. Among these commands are "suppress fire", "move to position X/Y/Z", and "hold fire". There's more but there's not a whole lot to learn, though effectively utilizing those commands can take some skill depending on the situation.

Overall the game itself is a pretty standardised experience- the graphics are okay, the sound is alright, if not only more or less just the sound of walking, gun fire from different distances, some yelling, and some vehicle movement. The music is also scored in the usual WWII orchestrated style, which would easily fit in a film, a documentary, or anything else vaguely about the war. Still, it instils a sense of passion, of loss and of hope. All in all it's quite nice to listen to but there's nothing really memorable here.

For an early Wii game, the controls are also decent, and I'm sure that World at War took some of its default controller layout from this game. However, whilst the controls are good, the aiming can be a bit floaty because the cursor speed isn't fantastic at any stage and aiming down the sight doesn't really do anything because it doesn't increase your viewing distance enough to be a worthwhile feature.

The graphics- whilst okay - aren't anything special, and on the Wii seem to look worse than the original version of the game, though this is likely due to the fact that the game also lags and jumps slightly quite often, which isn't a game destroying thing, but definitely irritating and incredibly off putting. It especially becomes apparent when it happens on a console which, although lacking the power of the Xbox 360 and PS3, can churn out games with the graphical prowess of Modern Warfare 3, Super Mario Galaxy or Xenoblade Chronicles.

Lastly, there was a multiplayer mode in the original games apparently, which seems to have been lost in the conversion to Wii. This is truly a shame, because it definitely would have helped this game stand out from the other average FPS games available on Wii in 2008. It's also damn lazy, and not something that should be stood for.

People looking to play an FPS game in 2012 and beyond should just look at the Call of Duty games (minus CoD3), GoldenEye, or The Conduit. If you really love WWII games though, buying this won't harm you- it's decent enough to buy if you're a real hardcore gamer looking for some strategic action, and there's some good voice acting and plot. However, you'll be disappointed that it wasn't a great port of two games which really did deserve a lot more love and attention, and should have been added to, rather than having elements taken away in a watered down port.