Worth playing. It is very addicting, and even though it is the same game over and over, it is very fun and interesting.

User Rating: 8.4 | Simple 1500 Series Vol. 18: The Bowling PS
Worth playing. It is very addicting, and even though it is the same game over and over, it is very fun and interesting. Many people may say that this game is not fun. I beg to differ because this was one of my favorite games to play on the psone. Yes, it is the same game over and over again. But that did not matter to me because the game was just plain fun. It was a classic that was my favorite game to play on long car rides on vacation. I got my entire family into this game, and we all loved it. Yes, i can understand what some people say about this game, but they did not just take the game for what it is. Fun. Bowling. And thats it. Think about it though, real bowling is the same over and over again also.