The best game I've played since Half-Life 2.

User Rating: 10 | Borderlands 2 PS3
I've played other "role playing shooters" like Fallout, but they had serious flaws in my opinion. Namely: a hectic and jerky player progression and extreme repetitiveness with enemies.

Borderlands 2 absolutely has perfected the genre. The Plot and progression is perfectly paced, leaving you always wanting to do one more thing, finish one more mission, complete one more objective before you quit playing for the night. Then, before you know it, it is 4 am in the morning and you have to be at work in 5 hours.

The plot is great, the voice acting and dialogue are actually good enough so you will never want to skip it, and the side missions and objectives are every bit as fun and rewarding as the main plot.

I think this is probably the best game I've played on my PS3.

This game is frigging awesome.