Pretty much as good as Knoxx DLC for first game

User Rating: 9 | Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty PC
Really really loved this game, a few varied areas. - Some AMAZING, some not so great (desert levels boring and a bit like the first game).

- Boss fights were fun, but a little bit easy.

- Loot is great as always, final boss opens up an array of chests, not to the same level of Knoxx, but still get a good few purples each time! Good for loot runs!

- Another lvl50 boss to beat, a little bit different from the huge boring bosses of past, this guy runs around and is regular sized. Good fun!

- 8-10hrs of gameplay on each playthrough! Lots of places to explore and side quests taking to different areas of the maps

- Characters and jokes really well done. Although some of the jokes get a little bit stale pretty fast.

Def worth the money! Highly recommended to anyone that has had a feel for what borderlands 2 has to offer and just plain wants more! :)