Another use for your head

User Rating: 10 | PC Genjin 2 TG16
If you don't take yourself too seriously, this is the perfect game for you.

The graphics were quite good compared to so many other games back then. This side scrolling bonk fest was too fun and I felt a bit guilty playing it for all those hours. Since the developers weren't really striving for realism as opposed to raw speed, you could compare this to Sonic in a way but Sonic couldn't hit everything with his head.

The music was always inane and a bit annoying but I simply did not care because I had my obligatory walkman.

The reward for playing Bonk was always a numb thumb and a dazed look on my face. I confess to loving doing all those levels with my trusty head thumping guy.

If you can find this game, buy it. You will enjoy it while looking over your shoulder and hoping no one sees you playing it.