One of the best N64 games, an overlooked gem

User Rating: 9 | Baku Bomberman 2 N64
As i said in my Bomberman 64 review, this was the first game i played in the Bomberman franchise, and since the first time i played it, i completely loved it. The different worlds, different bombs and Pommy, made the game just right.

The game features more polished graphics, but while they stll not the best the system can offer, the are very pleasent to look at, especially considering the multiple backgrounds on the different worlds. 4.5/5

Like on the previous game, the musc is good and very catchy, and the sound effects are solid. And thank god! White Bomber's voice isn't annoying as it was in the previous game, and Pommy's voice isn't bad either. The only downside i think is that the music can be a little creppy at times, like on the game over screen. 4.5/5

The gameplay is great, a little on the easy side, but awsome. The different kinds of bombs i think are the best thing in the game, which ad some strategic element in the game, as when you have to use each bomb, through not much. The legth still is short, but is a little better, and there are 2 endings. The multilplayer is a little different than the other game, as its more similar to the older games on the franchise, but i preffer this way. The cotrols are also very good. Move with the stick, bombs with A, hold B and press A to hold it, C left and C right to change bombs and C up to bring Pommy back to you 5/5

This is an overlooked gem of the N64, that you will forgive the short legth to look just to its positives. If you find this game, go for it, but its pretty rare, but if you find, its worth