Single-player isn't all good... but Battle Mode MORE than makes up for it!

User Rating: 8.1 | Bomberman DS
Bomberman, Bomberman! Anyways, Bomberman has always offered an unimpressive single-player exprience. But recently... its Battle Modes have been the whole reasons to pick these things up! Generation offered pretty nice battle modes, Jetters offered different characters and thus more fun. Here... it offers a HUGE load of battle options ranging from classic battle arenas to using the mic to detonate bombs, rush for a crown, and even battle with enemies on the loose!

The single-player is interesting... to say the least. But it doesn't hold up. The bosses are ridicously easy. And some of the enemies, especially in later worlds, are ANNOYING! The knights, bomb enemies that can set themselves, and enemies that phase through blocks... its enough to drive you crazy. Luckily, you get a whole load of items to help. Collect as many as possible, as these will help you burn through later stages and bosses. Also, the lack of saves in the game kinda bring its down. You have to go through 5 levels without saving. If you keep dying... that's not a good thing.

Battle Mode, even if you're playing by yourself, is very fun. Even with one card, 8 players can go at it. That's a rare treat to find in DS, so take advantage. There's 20+ different things in every arena, ranging from see-saws to spikes. As with past battle modes, settings can be changed to your liking. You've played battles in the past, right? Only having 3 opponents to worry about. Well, now you have 7 to worry about, and that's a LOAD of bombs to avoid. Your true skills will be put to the test, whether it be CPUs or human minds.

Some people find this game boring. I don't... but maybe that's because I find the Battle Mode VERY well done. Again, single-player could've been a lot better... maybe why some people don't exactly like this game. But give Battle Mode a chance and you'll see where this game truely shines. To be honest, there's no reason to play Single-Player at all. It doesn't unlock anything. I know... I beat it. Disappointing, ain't it? Still... the real reason to buy this is to go bomb-to-bomb against 7 equally crazy Bombers!