The Game that truly broke my heart ;)

User Rating: 4.2 | Boiling Point PC
Since the beginning of pc games, I've been waiting for a game like this.
The PS2 had the GTA serie games,
The Nintendo had the Super Mario series,
And the pc had nothing.

All that we had was games, but this one seemed as if it would change all that.
It wasn't no ordinary game, it had the freedom of GTA, loads of guns, great superB graphics, and much more.
I truly coulnd't wait untill it was out!

Then it came out. *Dark Dooming undertone*
Its graphics truly amazed me. A GTA game with so much beauty, it had to be a success.
But it wasn't.

The story is great.
The graphics are also great.
So is the amount of weapons, NPC's and so on.
the gameplay isn't. The game is LOADED with bugs.
And with loaded, i mean it has got TONS of 'm.
You start the game, play, and after 2 minutes, the game finds a bug and shuts itself down.
In those 2 minutes, you'll be a happy man if you have gotten any futher than the first city!
Well, filled with good hope, started again (by the way, way to long loading times :( )
But, the game finds another bug and the whole story begins again.
I've tried the newest patch for the game and still, still it has bugs.

This is a great game, but the bugs make it suchs a unbelievable **** game.
To the people i say, don't buy it.
To Atari/Deep Shadows I say, make a Boiling Point 2, without the bugs :) then everybody is happy.