Game rating 8.0 out of 10.0. Graphics 6.0. Sound 5.0. AI 5.0. Fun 10.0. Originality 10.0. Concept 10.0. Story 10.

User Rating: 8 | Boiling Point PC
I suggest you ignore the reported problems, get the game, upgrade your drivers and play, play, play. I do believe the developers have pushed the envelope of fun further than any other FPS I have played - ever. You have to understand your character and the characters with whom you associate. You can develop your character into a major jungle fighter or remain a good fighter with few honed talents. You must understand and practice the art of diplomacy. You can explore a TRULY VAST area on foot, in various types of automobiles (all of which have very unique handling characteristics), by plane, helicopter (multiple types) and by boat (two different types) and also by tank! You can amass a small fortune and own your own dandy sports car and personal helicopter. You can make as many enemies as you choose and kill hundreds of them (including as a hit man and a mass murderer) or you can on and off again friendly or neutral relationships and kill only as a last resort.

You can do so, so much and still find more things to do, more people worth meeting and more ways of travelling.