If a good street racing game with nice cars, and balanced weapons sounds like a fun night to you then this is your game.

User Rating: 8 | Blur X360
Blur is a very flashy "Need for Speed sytle" racer with a frantic "Mario Kart" weapons of mass destruction feel. The end result is a breath of fresh air. I have yet to see the best of both racing worlds until blur and it delivers my fellow gamers the only thing that scares me is its 69.99 price tag which is big investment for a game you might only play casually. In single player you have 3 modes being race, check point and destrction. Race is usually 1-20 other racers in a 1-3 lap sessioin. There is plenty of weapons through out the course's and the car choices are divided up by teirs. A "D car" is going to be slower but that is what you will race against compared to if the cars were "A class" then that is what you would race but you don't really have much of a choice over which class you will get for each race. Check point contains only two items nitro's and stop watches. There is no other cars on the track and you have to reach a certain amount of check points in order to finsih the level. Depending on how much time is left over will depend on how many "lights you get"(will explain later). Destruction only has bolts. They are like getting 3 packs of purple ninja stars. You use them to destroy stock looking cars as you race through the track. Each kill nets you points as well as time bonus. There are different types of cars netting you different points, taking different amounts of damage as well as firing different projectiles at you when they die. At the end of each level you earn lights as long as you land 3rd place or higher. You also get fans and if you get over a certain amount of fans on a level you get an extra light. You also are able to get a single light per level if you are able to go through 12 gates located in specific spots of the level. There lights eventually unlock new level and boss's. To drive agains a boss you must meet their demands which are several different ones depending on who the boss is. When you meet the demands you are allowed to face off against them for their car and mod. A mod is kinda like a constant item that helps you out so basically one makes your "red shell" item do more damage. BTW you do have health. The last thing I think I will mention is that your fans are also your lefvel up system. The more fans you have the more you level up and unlock with cars. You max out at level 25, but I hear it goes up to 50 online.

The good: The overall racing experience is fun, fast, and destructive. The items feel balanced and hardly ever cheap though sometimes you will get bombarded. The unlocking cars is a good way to not feel overpowered right away. I like the boss challanges and the addition of mods. Pretty much there is much to complain about again. Oh you can unlock shirts for your avatar.

The bad: The boss battles are a bit of a push over, Though the checkpoint and destruction types are decent they don't match up to the racing portion of the game.

Conclusion: For 69.99 CND I would personally pass this game up I think gaming needs a much lower pricepoint that is just my opinion, but if that is the price you are used to buying for a great game by all means don't pass this up because its that one in a few that deserves some play time. Hopefully the online is just as good.