Under-rated, but not revolutionary.

User Rating: 8.5 | Blue Dragon X360
This is definitely a game for fans of old-school JRPGs. It has a lot of classic (read: cheesy) plot mechanisms (kids trying to save their village, evil wizards tormenting innocent towns-folk for no apparent reason, etc) that won`t turn any heads these days.

The graphics are very nice, however the character models are quite simple and a bit childish.

I would say the music fits the game very well, and the voices and sounds are quite effective (although there are a few really annoying characters).

If you persist and can see past the bland story though, you`ll find great game play, an outstanding skill development system and some really fun battles and mini-games.
In order to complete all the side quests, you`ll need to put in quite a few hours, so I would say it`s definitely worth buying if you can find it for $20 or less. I had a very good time playing through it, but it`s not anything that hasn`t been done before.