It is $40 what can you say? But this game is good.

User Rating: 8.6 | Blitz: The League (Platinum Hits) XBOX
I knew about what I was expecting when I bought this game. It is very different and plays fast. I didn't think it was going to have the language it has...but it is a mature game and I shoulda known. This game is a good way to get out of the normal things when it comes to sports. OUTLAW games are o.k., but this takes it to an exream limit. I give this game a solid 8 out of 10 due to the multiplayer action it brings. It is not a dissapointment at all. Anyone that buys or rents this game will have alot of fun with online action and thats about all I can say. The CAMPAIGN is very differnent from what I was expecting also...but it has season stats for players and keeps it good. The only thing I am disapointed with is the visuals. The HD 480 does not make the game shine. It is alright...just not what the game should look like this day and age for gaming. It is a good buy for any football fan and a nice change for anyone wanting something off the way different.